Recreation of the NES Metroid game with the inclusion of a custom level revolving around portals.

Project 1 Assignment for EECS 494, developed by Studio Delta (zalsaedy and bobzhang). We were given 3 weeks to create the game using Unity.

Use arrow keys to move. Use Z key to jump and X key to shoot bullets. Later after collecting the missile powerup, you can use the left Shift key to switch shooting modes between bullets and missiles. After getting the morph ball powerup, you can press down arrow while grounded to morph into a ball.

You can press 1 to toggle cheats, which will instantly give you access to the powerups.

If you want to try the custom level, press 4 to load it in. In the starting area, break the blue orb to pick up a powerup that enables you to shoot portals. There are a total of 6 rooms in the custom level. The goal is to find/touch an orange block that signifies the completion of the custom level.

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